Trades, Get Found Online With Our All In Package.
No more paying thousands to get found online
As a skilled tradesperson, you know that finding quality leads in your local area can be a challenge. That's where we come in. Our solutions are designed to build and promote your online presence in your local area with ease.
You can trust us to help you grow your business and connect you with potential customers who are seeking your expertise.
Let us take the hassle out of marketing so you can focus on what you do best.
Perfect for kitchen fitters, bathroom installers, roofers, landscapers, plumbers, heating engineers, drainage contractors, building contractors, and many more in the trades industry.
Are you looking to enhance your online presence without spending a fortune? Look no further! Our revolutionary package includes everything you need to establish a strong online presence, without the exorbitant costs.
Our all-inclusive package eliminates the need for multiple service providers by providing design, hosting, and maintenance services in one seamless and affordable offering. We specialize in creating visually appealing, user-friendly websites that not only attract visitors but also convert them into loyal customers. Our websites are heavily optimized from an SEO perspective to help boost your rankings on Google. Whether you are selling products online or are a service-based business, our websites are designed to ensure that your customers take action.
We have years of expertise, dedication, and a deep understanding of what businesses need to succeed online, and we apply all of that to our process. Our websites are optimized to deliver results that will exceed your expectations.
We've been where you are so understand that time is precious, so we've made the process of starting as painless as possible.
Signing up for our service is easy; it only takes a few questions on a form, and our team is ready to start working on your website immediately. And the best part? Our subscription is contract-free, so you can cancel anytime if you change your mind.
01 Intro
Through our initial phone call, we have the opportunity to understand who you are, what your business is about, and what your goals are.
02 Build
With our services and expertise, we empower you to launch a campaign that will generate a steady flow of leads based on your location.
03 Review
Once you are live, you will get regular information on how it's performing, a quarterly review meeting, and ongoing review and improvement of the campaign.
We've bought together our most popular services for growing awareness of your business and generating leads.
Local keywords and competition research
Keyword specific landing pages
Google My Business optimisation
Normal price individually
+ VAT/mo
Our service costs £499+VAT per month and we take care of everything related to your website and it's promotion. We will set up your web space, design your site professionally, and optimise it for success. Our fully managed package ensures that your website is hosted and maintained with every detail fine-tuned to create a powerful online presence.
You will get results without any hassle.
We are uniquely placed to understand the challenges you face in growing your business, particularly in tougher economic times.
As well as having over 30 years of experience in the world of Digital and marketing, we have also built and run a kitchen installation and makeover business.
We've experienced the highs (and lows) that brings, and just what it takes to stand out in a crowded market. The combination of services in this package is ideal to build and grow your reputation in the areas you serve. You do what you do best, and we will make sure that your potential customers find you, and understand just how you can help them to transform their properties.
Our customers love our accessible services and affordable pricing.
We’re so confident that you will too, that you’re not tied into any contract at all.
You can cancel at any time
r2 Marketing Limited Terms and Conditions
Please note all costs are exclusive of VAT so your subscription for the package shown would be £499+VAT (£598.80 inc VAT)
This site is not part of, or endorsed by Facebook, Google and other similar services.
Any product names mentioned, logos shown or brand names identified are the property of the respective owners. Any mentions of products, companies or specific services on the website are for identification purposes only. Any such use of the names, logos or brands does not imply any endorsement.
Facebook, Google and all other similar services ad results are not typical or guaranteed, a consultation call will help to provide more accurate estimates of costs and results. Ad results depend on a great number of variables and therefore will not be fully understood and realised until the advertising campaign has commenced.
Terms and Conditions for r2 Marketing Limited’s Monthly Subscription Services.
1. Acceptance of Terms
By subscribing to our services, the client (“You”) agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not accept these terms, please do not use the service.
2. Subscription Service
The website and mobile application subscriptions includes design, hosting, maintenance, and software updates. Additional services such as content updates will be subject to additional charges which will be quoted and agreed with you at the point of your request.
Your subscription does not include services not mentioned above, for example it does not include email accounts, domain names, advertising or social media. These are all services that can be provided at an additional cost.
The advertising and social media subscription services include, but not limited to, the management fees, analytical reviews, advert and content creation services as laid out in the service proposals. Fees raised by Facebook, Google and other similar services will be paid directly by the client.
3. Payments and Billing
The subscription fee is agreed at the point of you completing the sign-up process, as described in the covering proposal, which is a recurring charge. Payment failure will result in the service provided going offline within 7 days of the due date.
Fees for ad spend to Facebook, Google and other similar services will be paid directly by the client. r2 Marketing Limited will manage the accounts with these providers on behalf of the client, working to agreed spending limits between r2 Marketing Limited and the client. Responsibility for payments, or issues that arise through non, or late payment are the responsibility of the client.
4. Cancellation Policy
You may cancel the subscription at any time. Upon cancellation, your website and associated files will go offline within 7 days.
5. Ownership and Use
r2 Marketing Limited retains full ownership of the website or mobile application and all associated files. You are granted a license to use the website or mobile application while your subscription is active.
In the provision of Graphic Design services (b) R2 further represents, warrants and covenants to Client that (i) except for Third Party Materials and Client Content, the Final Deliverables shall be the original work of R2 and/or its independent contractors, (ii) in the event that the Final Deliverables include the work of independent contractors commissioned for the Project by R2, R2 shall have secure agreements from such contractors granting all necessary rights, title, and interest in and to the Final Deliverables sufficient for R2 to grant the intellectual property rights provided in this Agreement, and (iii) to the best of R2’s knowledge, the Final Design, Code or Content provided by R2 and R2’s subcontractors does not infringe the rights of any party, and use of same in connection with the Project will not violate the rights of any third parties. In the event Client or third parties modify or otherwise use the Deliverables outside of the scope or for any purpose not identified in the Proposal or this Agreement or contrary to the terms and conditions noted herein, all representations and warranties of R2 shall be void.
5.A (1) (a) License for limited usage, no modification rights:
5.1 For print AND/OR online/interactive media being engaged as a standalone service: Upon completion of the Services, and expressly subject to full payment of all fees, costs and out-of-pocket expenses due, R2 grants to Client the rights in the Final Design, Code or Content as set forth below. Any additional uses not identified herein require an additional license and may require an additional fee. All other rights are expressly reserved by R2. The rights granted to Client are for the usage of the Final Design, Code or Content in its original form only. Client may not crop, distort, manipulate, reconfigure, mimic, animate, create derivative works or extract portions or in any other manner, alter the Final Design, Code or Content.
Category of use
Medium of use
Duration of use
Geographic territory
Initial press run
With respect to such usage, Client shall have:
Exclusive or Non-exclusive rights
5.A (1)(b) Exclusive license, no modification rights:
5.2 For print AND/OR online/interactive media being engaged as a standalone service: R2 hereby grants to Client the exclusive, perpetual and worldwide right and license to use, reproduce and display the Final Design, Code or Content solely in connection with the Project as defined in the Proposal and in accordance with the various terms and conditions of this Agreement. The rights granted to Client are for usage of the Final Design, Code or Content in its original form only. Client may not crop, distort, manipulate, reconfigure,
6. Amendments and Modifications
The subscription for websites and mobile applications includes two rounds of amendments post-approval. Additional amendments are charged at £50 + VAT per hour, which will be agreed upon before any additional work is carried out.
7. Support and Maintenance
Ongoing support includes content and software updates. For websites and mobile applications, 1 hour of content updates per month is included in the monthly fee. Extra content updates and other services will be provided at £50 + VAT per hour.
8. No Warranties
The service is provided “as is”. We do not warrant that the service will meet your specific requirements or be available uninterrupted.
9. Limitation of Liability
r2 Marketing Limited will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages.
10. Changes to Terms
We reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Your continued use of the service will constitute your acceptance of these changes.
11. Governing Law
These terms are governed by the laws of The United Kingdom.
12. Content
By providing us with content you confirm that the content is your own and you have the appropriate legal rights and approval to use the content, including text, logos, images, video and files. We hold no responsibility for the content provided and you confirm you will not hold r2 Marketing Limited responsible for any third-party claims.
13. Confidentiality
During the term of this agreement and afterward, r2 Marketing Limited will use reasonable care to prevent the unauthorised use or dissemination of Client’s confidential information. Confidential information is limited to information clearly marked as confidential.
Confidential information does not include information that: r2 Marketing Limited knew before Client disclosed it; is or becomes public knowledge through no fault of r2 Marketing Limited; r2 Marketing Limited obtains from sources other than Client who owe no duty of confidentiality to Client, or Developer develops independently.
14. Limitation of Liability
Neither party will be liable for breach-of-contract damages that are remote or speculative, or that the breaching party could not reasonably have foreseen on entry into this agreement.
Contact Us
For any questions regarding these terms, please contact us at